Bryan Jacobs music composition and sound art

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PhOut12 documentation

Purchase Here: -- or build your own with the files below!

The PhOut12 is a shield for the Teensy microcontroller that allows for a maximum of 12 DC outputs activated by MIDI signals via MIDI-over-usb from computer software (PD, Max/MSP, DAW's, etc.) The shield also has two analog/digital inputs accessible via 1/4" jacks making it ideal for MIDI foot switches and expression pedals. The outputs are beefy Mosfets that can handle up 30V. Two different DC inputs are available to power motors or solenoids of different power ratings. There are also four independent PWM outputs designed for controlling servo motors. If it's not set up the way you want it or you want it to run independently of a computer, it is a fully programable Teensy so you can customize to your heart's content.


Board Layout

Build Guide

Arduino Code and Max/MSP patch

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